Now, more than ever, we’re playing it safe. And with good reason. With all that is happening, we must take precautions, but there are times in our lives, on the court, and definitely in our business that we have to take some risks. When we play it safe we’re usually doing the things that will help us get by —-, not the things that propel us to grow and continue to win. It happens all the time on the court. There are more than a few occasions when I know I’ve held back, for doubt, or fear of not getting the result I want. Does that happen to you? Even though there’s little that intimidates me on the court, I don’t always take the risks that I should. The same goes for business.
Sometimes it feels easier to “play it safe” rather than put it all out there and go for it.
What does playing it safe look like? Here are 7 Ways I See it Happening:
1. I’m going to just make sure the ball gets in.
For example, instead of going for that 2nd serve you just drop the ball in or do the minimum for your client so you don’t make any mistakes. Why not go for it?
2. Not learning new skills.
Instead of challenging yourself or trying to learn and/or practice new skills, you’re content with doing the same thing which is not a good practice for growth.
3. Waiting for the ball to come to you.
You’re in the match of your life just waiting for the ball to come to you to see if you can make an impact. It doesn’t work that way. You have to be assertive in going for what you want and making things happen.
4. I’ll just hang back here (at the baseline).
Do you sometimes find yourself just hanging back, staying where it feels most comfortable? I challenge you today to be a little bolder. Stop waiting on opportunities, go ahead and create them.
5. My partner will get that.
Having a partner doesn’t mean releasing all responsibility to them to close the point or get the win. Step up and take the initiative. Somewhere, someone is waiting for you to take the lead.
6. Not going for your shots.
There are clearly times when you’re up against a better opponent. So what? Go for your shots, play your game, rely on your strengths and see what happens.
7. Being predictable.
Okay, we know the standard rule is to hit a cross court return, but sometimes you have to go down the line, do the unexpected and create an element of surprise. Don’t you love it when you see someone show up in a totally different way? You don’t want people to ALWAYS know what you’re going to do, so change it up a bit.
Playing it safe stifles growth—- you don’t learn, get better, or challenge yourself. You just stay the same and that’s not what Champions do.
Until Next Time, Let’s Ace it (Together)!