We were super excited to have an opportunity to talk to and interview Amy Pahazanick of Agape Tennis Academy on Mental Toughness and how to build resilience, particularly during difficult times. Some of the things Amy shared and reminded us of were:

1. The Importance of Positivity – Using positive affirmations, reading uplifting and encouraging books and listening to positive messages reminds us to keep a positive attitude and outlook regardless of what’s going on around us. Identify and utilize motivational and spiritual mentors to help keep you grounded and hopeful.


2. Creating Time for Self – Regardless of how busy you are, it’s important that you find  and take at least 15 minutes a day for yourself. This time can be used to meditate, exercise, read, pray, etc. 


3. Being willing and okay to Fail – You have to put yourself out there and take a risk on yourself and your business. If you’re not willing to fail time and again, you won’t have the opportunity to win. The faster you fail, the easier you can get back up and try again and get the win. 


4. Why we have to Anticipate  – Business owners and tennis players have to always be anticipating what’s coming so they know where to go next. You don’t want to be reactionary, but instead forward thinking.  In business, you should constantly be asking: What do people need? What will they need? How can we support that?

5. Putting yourself in unknown territory – You have to be willing to be uncomfortable and okay with the unknown. It’s the only way to grow.

6. Visualization – See yourself winning, playing your next match, winning your next contract, accomplishing your goals and being the person you want to be. 

For more ideas and tips on how to Play Your Best Game, sign up to get our Champion’s Guide and ongoing success tips.

Business Women Love Tennis is a high performance, personal growth brand that uses tennis as a transformative tool to inspire women to win, in business and life. We inspire women leaders and teams to Play Their Best Game using 4 key principles to build a champion's mindset -- Compete: Bring Your Best Self. Connect: Build self-awareness and authentic relationships. Collaborate: Work collaboratively to support each other. Celebrate: Acknowledge and celebrate the small and BIG wins.

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