Do you ever think about how well you serve? I mean actually put some thought into it —– like when you’re serving, how you’re serving and who you’re serving. Serving may not seem like much in the overall scheme of things but it plays an important role in our success.
In tennis, serving is the start to everything. It’s the one area in the game in which you have full control. Whether you get the ball over the net and how well you do it is completely in your hands.
But what about off court? When was the last time you served and what was it like for you? There are probably ways that you’re serving that you don’t give much thought to. There may also be some ways that you want to serve that you haven’t. Take a look at this month’s worksheet and think about the ways in which you serve and how you might have a bigger impact. Meanwhile here are a few tips on enhancing your serve whether you’re on or off court.
1). Be Consistent – On the court, nothing starts until you get the ball over the net and that starts with the serve. In order to create a solid consistent serve you have to practice serving. This is true off court as well. Just think about how you might serve someone. It could be giving of your time, your knowledge, or sharing a resource. It’s pretty easy to put into practice if you just stay mindful and steady.
2). Think Diversity– Don’t get stuck thinking there’s only one way to serve. Serve within your capacity and feel free to change it up. On court, this means giving your opponents a chance to look at something different. Serve down the T. Serve at an angle. Use some pace, Slow it up. Keep your opponent guessing so they don’t know what to expect.
3). Don’t Double Fault – In tennis, you have two opportunities to serve. If the first chance goes wrong, you get a full do-over. In life, the opportunities are endless. So if you’re going to serve, go ahead and do it and do it right.
Remember, the better you are at serving, the better your game will be.
P.S.- When it comes to serving, you don’t get any better than the champion Serena Williams. Serena has one of the best serves in the game and she uses it to her full advantage. Check it out here.