Performing your best, either on the court or in a business setting, can pose as a mental challenge for most people. There’s often an intense amount of pressure to cope with, which in turn can cause you to focus too much on your outcome or overwork yourself into a state of burnout.

Listed below are some tips to help you perform your best, both on and off the court.

  1. Develop a pregame routine. 

A pregame routine can help transition you into the right mindset before competition. This includes warming up your body, consuming the correct amounts of food and liquids, and getting into the right mental state. The same can be done for work and business. Before a huge meeting, an important presentation, or an interview, you have to develop a preparation routine beforehand to get you into the groove of things. Rehearse, practice potential questions, and work on your mannerisms. 

A well-crafted pregame routine will help you prepare your mind, feel more confident, and trust in your practice. 

  1. Focus on yourself, not your competitors

One key tenet of high performance is the ability to focus on yourself and not your competitors. On D-day, do not get too distracted by how well your competitors are doing. This can cause you to lose focus and confidence in your own abilities. Stay focused on your strengths without putting them in juxtaposition to the next person!

  1. Pay attention to the process, not the outcome

Sometimes, we get so focused on attaining great results that we completely forget to enjoy the journey to get there. Don’t miss out on meaningful lessons and experiences while dwelling on what the aftermath will look like. Focusing on the process instead, will help you ensure that you’re on track, doing things the right way and checking important things off your list. In most cases, when your process is implemented gradually and correctly, there will be amazing results!

  1. Believe in yourself

Losing trust and confidence in yourself before your performance is amongst the easiest way to lose. Don’t let any negative thoughts cause you to over analyze your abilities or not play freely. When you implement your pregame routine, shift your focus to yourself, and pay attention to your process, your level of confidence is bound to skyrocket.

Never forget: you have everything it takes to perform your best! 

Business Women Love Tennis is a high performance, personal growth brand that uses tennis as a transformative tool to inspire women to win, in business and life. We inspire women leaders and teams to Play Their Best Game using 4 key principles to build a champion's mindset -- Compete: Bring Your Best Self. Connect: Build self-awareness and authentic relationships. Collaborate: Work collaboratively to support each other. Celebrate: Acknowledge and celebrate the small and BIG wins.

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