In the world of tennis, every stroke and movement can make a difference between winning and defeat, which is one of the reasons the Coco Gauff forehand is mentioned and analyzed so often. As an upcoming champion, those “in the know” believe she could really benefit from changing her grip to make her forehand less of a problem.

The Forehand Transformation

While Coco’s forehand was once considered a liability, it’s now turning into somewhat of a weapon.  Rather than succumbing to pressure or feeling bad about an obvious weak area, Coco and her team decided to address her weakness head-on. This strategic decision has set her on a path of transformation and growth, ultimately getting her to the semi-finals of the US Open (make sure you catch that tonight at 7pm!)

Why does that matter to you? Because it’s a great opportunity to take a look at your weak spots (we all have them!) and see how you can turn something that may seem like a weakness into a strength. 

How do you do that? Here are 6 strategies:

  • Embrace Vulnerability

As female leaders, it’s essential to recognize that we all have our “forehands” – aspects of ourselves or our skill sets that we perceive as weaknesses. It’s tempting to avoid them or downplay their importance. However, Coco’s journey shows us that the first step in turning a weakness into a strength is acknowledging its existence and embracing vulnerability, where growth and transformation become possible.

  • Invest in Learning

Coco’s approach to improving her forehand lies in her willingness to commit to continuous learning. She’s been a pro almost 4 years now, but she understands she has to continue to grow. Thus, she’s brought in two new coaches and her dad has stepped back (quite a bit). These coaches have provided her with resources and techniques that have helped her to build confidence and consistency. And it’s working — very well!!

  • Practice with Purpose

Transforming a weakness into a strength requires deliberate and focused practice. Coco didn’t simply hit forehands mindlessly; she worked with intention. You can apply this same principle by setting specific goals and strategies for improvement. 

  • Mental Resilience

What sets high performers aside is their mental resilience. Coco is tough — so are you! Draw inspiration from where you can, recognize that setbacks and challenges are part of the journey. Instead of dwelling on failures, use them as opportunities for growth and learning.

  • Surround Yourself with Support

Behind Coco’s transformation is a team of dedicated individuals – coaches, trainers, and mentors – all working toward a common goal. Similarly, as a leader, take the time to cultivate a support network that can provide you with guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback. 

  • Confidence is Key

Confidence played a pivotal role in Gauff’s ability to turn her forehand into a strength. She believed in her capacity to improve, and that belief fueled her determination. As female leaders, self-assurance is equally vital. Trust in your abilities, value your unique strengths, and approach challenges with the confidence that you can overcome them.

Ready to Transform Your Weaknesses into Strengths?

Join Us for our VIP Day! 

Don’t miss the opportunity to work with me and take advantage of our VIP Day, where you receive personalized coaching and strategies to transform your perceived weaknesses into your greatest strengths. Let’s embark on this journey of empowerment and high performance together. Reserve your spot today!

By embracing vulnerability, investing in learning, and practicing with purpose, you can achieve remarkable results and change.  Turn your weaknesses into strengths and thrive in every aspect of your life. 

Business Women Love Tennis is a high performance, personal growth brand that uses tennis as a transformative tool to inspire women to win, in business and life. We inspire women leaders and teams to Play Their Best Game using 4 key principles to build a champion's mindset -- Compete: Bring Your Best Self. Connect: Build self-awareness and authentic relationships. Collaborate: Work collaboratively to support each other. Celebrate: Acknowledge and celebrate the small and BIG wins.

Join us and let's work together to ACE it!